Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bird Sanctuary

I can't believe the different kinds of birds that have been showing up this spring at our feeders and suet feeder! Here are what I can remember:
red headed woodpecker
  • red bellied woodpecker
  • baltimore orioles (these just showed up this weekend)
  • gold finches - male and female
  • ladder back woodpeckers
  • thrasher
  • rose-breasted grosbeak
  • indigo buntings
  • bluebirds
  • male and female cardinal
  • nuthatches
  • downy woodpeckers
  • juncos

It's been so fun the past few weeks to watch the comings and goings of all the different birds. I really don't do anything super special. We have two hanging bird feeders and one suet feeder. I try to keep the bird bath full of water for them. But other than that...nothing fancy...just a good buffet I guess.

I will try to get some snapshots through the window if I can. It's been interesting to see which ones will be on the feeders at the same time. Some share much better than others.


Kristina said...

Pretty kitties! Your grey kitty looks like our Kirby. We had a woodpecker in our neighborhood and I swear I was ready to go out and shoot it with a bb gun. What a racket it

Janet said...

Love that picture, Judy! Lots of good viewing from that position. :)